Friday, May 17, 2024

News and notes from AMD, DHM/UMCD, DMC - 17 May 2024

Here are the highlights of postings this week from the Association of Ministers with Disabilities, Disability Ministries Committee, Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Ministries Committee, and UM Congress of the Deaf. Please note that many posts have additional comments and discussion which will not be reflected in these links.

There will be an interruption in this mailing for at least a couple of weeks; keep up with our social media posts directly for the latest information.



logos of the
        four groups
Click here for a list of recurring events of interest to people in disability ministry.

This newsletter is generally issued weekly by the United Methodist Church's disability organizations. There will be an interruption to the newsletters for the next couple of weeks.

This newsletter is published on the UM Disability Blog.
Visit a directory of our members.

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