Civil rights, ADA, and the effects of recent and proposed changes:
New efforts at healthcare "reform"
A book that may interest some of our members:
How language often isolates people with disabilities:
We have long encouraged thought about the role of God in design:
This effort is also a reminder that the healing stories of the gospels include community restoration and inclusion:
Pastors need care, too:
GBCS on healthcare "reform":
Congress was unable to pass the American Health Care Act (AHCA) because most of them believed it would harm people they represent.
The AHCA would leave 24 million people without health coverage, end Medicaid expansion, and cut Medicaid by $840 billion over 10 years hurting the most vulnerable among us.
The new changes worsen the bill by giving states the ability to eliminate key protections for people with pre-existing conditions, requirements to cover essential healthcare (e.g. pregnancy visits), and allow insurance companies to set lifetime caps and annual limits. A lifetime cap, for example, could limit services people who are recovering from addiction — a journey that is hard fought requiring consistent support.
As United Methodists, we are seeking improvements to current healthcare laws that increase access to affordable, quality healthcare for all. This legislation is moving in the wrong direction.
Call your Representative TODAY and urge them to Vote No.
Click here for a list of events of interest to people in disability ministry.
This newsletter is generally issued weekly by the
United Methodist Association of Ministers with Disabilities,
a caucus of the United Methodist Church.
Click here to join this e-mail list.
Visit us on the web or Facebook.
Click here for a list of events of interest to people in disability ministry.

This newsletter is generally issued weekly by the
United Methodist Association of Ministers with Disabilities,
a caucus of the United Methodist Church.
Click here to join this e-mail list.
Visit us on the web or Facebook.