Whether a congregation remains closed, open limited or fully, our inclusion resources remain important. This includes a list of resources from Disability Ministries, a list of ASL or captioned streams from Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Ministries, and guidance on inclusion: Online and Virtual Gatherings: Inclusion for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Members. In all of these situations, we ask that you show Christian love for others: stay aware of safety and be aware of signs of trauma or other health concerns.
- Random Acts of Expression: Ascensiontide Awaiting
- Random Acts of Expression: A time for remembrance
- Random Acts of Expression: Letting Go
- PRC webinar, September 24, Caring for families with kids with disabilities
- InTrust: Preparing for ministry with people with disabilities
- Flying Kitty Monster: Lindsday's Gift
- Be A Disciple: On visiting the sick
- Beckie Writes: Dona Nobis Pacem
- HLAA: Heroes with hearing loss
- Hearing Health Matters: Reading the mask
- Christ Deaf UMC: Worship video
- DHM YouTube: Kum Ba Ya
- DHM YouTube: Prayer with Carl
- Lovers Lane UMC: Sunday Deaf worship
- NBC: New normal of masks, an added barrier for Deaf and HOH
- HDSC: How
to make an accessible mask
- Newsday: Anti-mask and disability
- K. Willison: Using ADA to avoid masks
- L'Arche: Rhythms of belonging
- Philip Amerson: Pandemic of Compassion
- CRC: Not lacking in anything
- Google: Find wheelchair access with Google Maps
- The Mighty: Examples of Ableism
- Think Inclusive: The real problem with disability
- CRC: Addressing
disempowering attitudes toward people who are blind or have
low vision
- What really matters
- Christian Citizen: Ministry
during a pandemic
Click here for a list of events of interest to people in disability ministry.
This newsletter is generally issued weekly by the
United Methodist Association of Ministers with Disabilities,
a caucus of the United Methodist Church.
Click here to join this e-mail list.
This newsletter is also published on the UM Disability Blog
Visit us on the web or Facebook.