Click here for a list of recurring events of interest to people in disability ministry.
- Tanzania Conference: Agriculture
- ELDA D&DE: Emmaus
- Philadelphia Sun: Roz McKelvey and Germantown Deaf Ministries
- Tanzania Conference: Deaf gathering at First UMC, Dar Es Salaam
- Technical.ly: Gallaudet students using holograms
- Tanzania Conference: Deaf
- GBCS: Understanding Disabilities in Native communities
- Angela Muir: Therapeutic Gardening and Accessibility
- Upper Room: Safer Sanctuaries
- Lewis Center: 7 Ways Your Church Can Respond to the Reality of Sexual Assault
- NPR: Mattel unveils a Barbie with Down syndrome
- Faith & Leadership: Hybrid services
- AAIDD: Charity
and social justice
- May 1 (start): BeADisciple IFD 437: Before
and after the I Do's
- May 2-4: Princeton Forum on Youth Ministry
- May 5: Baltimore-Washington Conference, Accessibility
- May 17: AAIDD, Community Connectedness and Technology
- May 25: Stone Belt Arc, Disability
and Vocation
- June 16: Arizona Center for Disability Law, African
American Conference on Disabilities
- June 26-29: Institute on Theology & Disability, Waco TX
- July 10 (start): BeADisciple IFD431,
Caring with Compassion: First Responders and their families
- September 23: Delaware Deaf Fest
Click here for a list of recurring events of interest to people in disability ministry.
This newsletter is generally
issued weekly by the United Methodist Church's disability
This newsletter is published on the UM Disability Blog.
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