Friday, January 26, 2018

News and notes from AMD, 1/26/2018

Here are the highlights of postings this week from the Association of Ministers with Disabilities, Disability Ministries Committee, Mental Health Ministries, Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Ministries Committee, and UM Congress of the Deaf:

UMCD, DHM, ELDA, ECD joint meeting in Las Vegas, July 22-29
Assisted suicide: duty to die for disabled?
Disabled or person?
DHM Congregational Resource: Deaf Awareness Sunday
DHM Captioning Resources: 21st century captioning
DHM ASL resources: A few things to know (from NPR)
Social media and Deaf
NYT disability series, panic disorder
MHM: nurturing mental health
Click here for a list of events of interest to people in disability ministry.
UMAMD logo with the UM Cross and Flame and several
          disability symbols
This newsletter is generally issued weekly by the
United Methodist Association of Ministers with Disabilities,
a caucus of the United Methodist Church.

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This newsletter is also published on the UM Disability Blog
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